More on molluscs? Where to go?

This page offers a few worldwide internet addresses on malacology. It is a part of the "Haus der Natur - Cismar" (museum of malacology) homepage. Haus der Natur - Cismar is a privately owned natural history museum located in northern Germany. Information concerning the collections and the exhibition of Haus der Natur - Cismar is available at . That page also includes facts about Schriften zur Malakozoologie (a scientific journal on molluscs), the German Malacological Society (in German language) and other themes related to Haus der Natur - Cismar.

Concerning this list of adresses and pages on malacology: - all authors are responsible for the information given in their pages, we are sorry that we are not able to check all foreign pages by ourselves in short intervals. Please, inform us if there are any problems with the listed addresses.

At the bottom of this page you can find a list of e-mail-addresses of those members of the German Malacological Society who informed us about their accounts.
The link to your address or malacological page is missing, your link is wrong? send us a note (mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. ).

Malacological societies, journals, museums, informal malacological groups, general pages:

Bibliographical pages, special malacological themes:

Cephalopoda, Scaphopoda, Polyplacophora


  • Backhuys Publishers, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands, (books on malacology), E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
  • ConchBooks (formerly christa hemmen) (K. C. Groh), Germany, (books on malacology), E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
  • Naturama, Palermo, Italy (books on malacology, infos), E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
  • Sea-Urchins (Books about Sea-Urchins, Peter and Heinke Schultz),

Private pages, shell-dealers, other marine groups:



The link to your address or malacological page is missing, your link is wrong? send us a note Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..

A really successful project of marine research and environmental education has been realized by: ALDEBARAN Marine Research & Broadcast GmbH, Rothenbaumchaussee 80c tel +49-40-417102 fax 417231, D-20148 Hamburg

In the small town of Neustadt/Holst. (Baltic Sea) nice projects of environmental education are practised by the BUND-Umwelthaus Neustaedter Bucht. You can find information at

Young scientists at school or at university who are interested in studying nature in the field are invited to contact the "Deutscher Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung (DJN)".



MUSEUM OF THE WORLD presents Haus der Natur - Cismar


If you want to have a holiday near the Baltic there are very many possibilities to get rooms. For example you may contact,, or

Many thanks to the hundreds of friends who are linking to our museum's or scientific or educational webpages, everyone of you is helping us. The link list below will surely be enlarged in the near future.

Links to some privately owned hotels, restaurants or other touristically important addresses are listed below:

"Haus Westfalen" (hotel garni) at Kellenhusen
"Hof Krähenberg" (hotel) at Grömitz

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Das Kinder-Tierlexikon ist ein interaktives Projekt von und für Kinder, jeder kann Texte lesen oder sich auch selbst als Text- oder Bildautor beteiligen. 

Mollusca und sind Seiten, auf denen viele wissenschaftliche Informationen über Mollusken und Malakozoologie zu finden sind.

Cismar stellt das Klosterdorf Cismar und seine Besonderheiten und attraktiven Angebote vor. Hier finden sie auch Terminhinweise und Informationen.