Heft 09 Schriften zur MalakozoologieHeft 9 (1996):

[224 S., 16 pls., 256 maps and figs., Euro 25,-; subscribers Euro 15,- plus postage]

The non-marine molluscs of Albania

Hausdorf - Revision of Monacha emigrata.

Nordsieck - Neue Clausilien-Taxa aus Albanien.

Riedel & Welter-Schultes - Eine neue Gyralina-Art aus Albanien.

Welter-Schultes - Non-marine molluscs recently collected in Albania.

Dhora & Welter-Schultes - Bibliography of the non-marine molluscs of Albania.

Dhora & Welter-Schultes - List of species and atlas of the non-marine molluscs of Albania.

Dhora & Welter-Schultes - List of taxa of non-marine molluscs, described from Albanien localities.

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